Hair loss is one of the most common things that happens to people who go vegan because of the lack of nutrition and animal proteins that our hair needs to
Tag: hair
The Movember Foundation was started close to 20 years ago with the goal of raising awareness to men’s health issues by not shaving for the month of November. The thinking
Temporary Home Treatments for Thinning HairTemporary Home Treatments for Thinning Hair
Have you been noticing your hair thinning while in lockdown or in quarantine? While it is never recommended to delay professional treatment for any potential medical condition including hair loss,
Summer Hair AdviceSummer Hair Advice
As we head into the hotter summer months, it’s good to start thinking about what you should do to keep your hair healthy all season. A moderate amount of exposure
Just a Moment of SillinessJust a Moment of Silliness
Not to downplay the seriousness of the coronavirus, we saw this floating around the Internet and it made us smile, and we hope it makes you smile too.
Stress and Hair LossStress and Hair Loss
Most people’s lives are very stressful at one time or another, but not everyone loses hair during these stressful episodes. This is because people’s bodies respond in different ways to
What to Expect During Your Consultation at New England Associates®What to Expect During Your Consultation at New England Associates®
A consultation at New England Associates® is your first, and most important, step in your hair-loss assessment. It is private and confidential and will be tailored to address your individual
The BeatlesThe Beatles
The Beatles There are some significant events in the history of The Beatles around this time of the year: They first recorded in legendary Abbey Road Studios on September 4,
Dry HairDry Hair
Dry hair is a sign of hair damage. If left untreated, hair can become too dry and brittle. This can lead to breakage of hair strands. Dry hair happens when
Hair & Scalp and Your HealthHair & Scalp and Your Health
There are many medical conditions and prescriptions that can affect our hair, but sometimes what someone might think is a problem, could just be that they need a little help